
Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA)

April 5, 2011

The FICA tax, being part of the Internal Revenue Tax code since 1939, is a payroll tax enforced upon employees and employers by the federal government to fund Social Security and Medicare. Social Security benefits old-age as well as survivors and disability insurance, Medicare funds hospital insurance. In 2005, the employee’s share of the Social…

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Speeder Driving from State A into State B Can Be Prosecuted in State A

April 1, 2011

On Wednesday, the Oregon Court of Appeals ruled that a speeder who drove across the Astoria-Megler Bridge from Oregon to Washington State at 121 mph in August 2007 can be prosecuted in Oregon. The court ruled that Patrick William Weller can be tried in the state of Oregon for reckless driving even though he was…

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Wal-Mart Sex Discrimination Lawsuit Heads to Supreme Court

March 31, 2011

We previously reported on our blog about the potential class-action sex discrimination lawsuit the corporate giant Wal-Mart is facing. On Tuesday, March 29, the U.S. Supreme Court started to hear oral arguments on whether the largest class-action employment lawsuit in U.S. history can move forward against retail giant Wal-Mart. The world’s largest retailer as well…

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EU-Kommission beklagt schwere Fehler bei der Umsetzung des Swift Abkommens

March 31, 2011

Bereits am 10. und 17. März informierten wir Sie auf unserem Blog über das Swift Abkommen zwischen der Europäischen Union und den USA sowie die damit verbundenen Bedenken seitens Europa. Nun räumt die EU-Kommission räumt in einem Bericht schwere Fehler der USA bei der Umsetzung des Swift Abkommens ein. Der Bericht der EU-Kommission zufolge speichern…

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Increase of Boardings at Charlotte Douglas International Airport

March 30, 2011

Earlier this month, we reported on how Charlotte, NC continues to grow and why investing in Charlotte these days is a good idea. Today, we present you another reason why you should consider living and doing business in Charlotte. According to the Charlotte Business Journal, Charlotte Douglas International Airport reports 1.4 million passengers boarded planes…

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Maternity Tourists – A Bizzare New Trend?

March 30, 2011

On March 9, 2011 officials in San Gabriel, CA shut down a house that was home to several “maternity tourists” from China. Living in a nice, clean town house in the San Gabriel foothills, the Chinese women paid tens of thousands of dollars to deliver their babies in the United States, making the infants automatic…

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Commercial Ties between the United States and Turky Expand

March 29, 2011

“The world has never been as competitive as it is today, leaving us both facing the same fundamental challenge: How do we make our economies, and our people, more competitive globally?” This statement was made by Michael Camuñez, assistant secretary for market access and compliance, during his travels to Ankara and Istanbul, Turkey from January…

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“How are you?” or “Wie geht es Dir/Ihnen?” – One Question, Two Sides

March 29, 2011

“How are you?” – Often perceived as superficial or strange, especially when talking to people from across the pond, “how are you?” is a simple and friendly way of greeting. And if one is honest, is it really that bad? In Bhutan people greet each other by saying “Is your body well?” whereas in Botswana…

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BDH Associate Nicole M. Dickey to Participate in International Law & Practice Panel

March 29, 2011

Nicole M. Dickey, an associate with our firm, is one of the four distinguished guests of the International Law & Practice Panel at North Carolina Central University School of Law on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 12 p.m. The speakers will talk about their careers, give tips on how students should prepare for the practice…

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Why Export to Canada

March 28, 2011

Did you know… Canada is the world’s 7th largest market economy with a sound financial and distribution system. Similar business practices and attitudes have an incentive effect on Canada’s first business partner, the U.S. Following up on our previous blog post about Dana M. Hick’s, III presentation “Exporting Goods to Canada – Legal and Practical…

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