
Bedenken gegen Swift-Abkommen – USA greifen europäische Bankdaten ab

March 10, 2011

Am 6. Oktober 2010 berichteten wir auf unserem Blog über die Präsentation des U.S. Finanzministerium von Entwürfe für Vorschriften, die den Sicherheitsbehörden freien Zugriff auf alle Geldtransfers, ob über Banken oder Kreditkarten, gewähren sollen. Laut Spiegel Online kritisieren EU-Kontrolleure nun mit deutlichen Worten die Weitergabe von Bankdaten an amerikanische Terror-Ermittler: Eigentlich soll Europol jede Anfrage…

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A Will or No Will

March 10, 2011

When it comes to estate planning, the three questions I typically hear are: how to write a will how to ensure that property is likely to end up in the “right” hands how to manage the “German” issues such as child custody for minors, assets in Germany etc. After I provide answers or send them…

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Death Penalty Is Banned in Illinois

March 10, 2011

With Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn’s signature yesterday on March 9, 2011, a bill banning the death penalty in Illinois is now official. The legislation will take effect July 1, 2011 What happens to the 15 persons on death row? Their sentences are commuted to life imprisonment without the possibility of release. Illinois now joins three…

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USCIS Announces Proposed H-1B Electronic Registration System to Reduce Costs for U.S. Businesses

March 9, 2011

WASHINGTON—U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published a proposed rule that could save U.S. businesses more than $23 million over the next 10 years by establishing an advance registration process for U.S. employers seeking to file H-1B petitions for foreign workers in specialty occupations. The proposed electronic system would minimize administrative burdens and expenses related…

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Savvy Online Software Shoppers Not Misled by Rival’s Use of Trademarked Keywords

March 9, 2011

A federal appeals court (9.Cir) has found that consumers were not likely to be misled by an online software advertiser that purchased a trademarked keyword of its competitor. In its ruling on March 8, 2011 an injunction that had barred Network Automation from buying the keyword, “ActiveBatch,” was set aside. This word is the trademarked…

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Storm on Capitol Hill: Convenience Store Owners vs. Banks and Debit Card Companies

March 8, 2011

As previously reported on our blog the Dodd-Frank Act directs the Federal Reserve Bank to limit the fees banks collect from retailers each time a customer makes a purchase with a debit card to a „reasonable and proportional“ amount. Whereas merchants were delighted contending that these fees are hindering business growth, expansion plans and the…

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100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day

March 8, 2011

Did you know… March 8th is the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day, and the month of March is Women’s History Month. International Women’s Day is anannual celebration that highlights women’s economic, political and social achievements. In some countries like China, Russia, Vietnam and Bulgaria, International Women’s Day is recognized as a national holiday. According…

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Georgia: Voter ID law upheld

March 7, 2011

Georgia’s top court has upheld a state law that requires voters to show photo identification before they cast ballots today on March 7, 2011. The Georgia Supreme Court’s clear decision (it was a 6:1 vote) is the latest court ruling to conclude that the rules are constitutional. The decision found the 2006 law was a…

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Selbsthilfeanleitung zur Terror-Abwehr

March 7, 2011

Nach dem tödlichen Anschlag auf zwei US-Soldaten vergangene Woche am Frankfurter Flughafen, herrscht Trauer und erhöhte Wachsamkeit bei den US-Soldaten in Deutschland. Berlin (Spiegel Online) – Es war der erste tödliche Anschlag auf US-Soldaten in Deutschland seit 1986. Auf der Homepage eines Stützpunktes veröffentlichen sie eine Gebrauchsanweisung zur Terrorabwehr. Die deutsche Polizei bleibt dagegen gelassen.…

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Utah Legislature Passes Immigration Bills

March 7, 2011

Previously, we reported on our blog and website about the controversial Arizona Immigration law. Last Friday, Utah lawmakers approved a package of immigration bills that would allow unauthorized foreigners to obtain a work permit and work legally in Utah under a so-call guest worker program. According to NPR, the immigration measures approved by both chambers…

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