
Gesetzesentwurf in Georgia: Todesstrafe für illegale Abteibungen?

March 4, 2011

Im US-Bundesstaat Georgia will ein republikanischer Abgeordneter Frauen für illegale Abtreibungen mit dem Tod oder lebenslanger Haft bestrafen lassen. Auch Fehlgeburten sollen geahndet werden – falls “menschliches Zutun” im Spiel war. Hamburg (Spiegel Online) – Das Thema Schwangerschaftsabbruch polarisiert Amerika. Dass die aufgeheizte Situation sich über die Jahre keineswegs entspannt hat, zeigt ein absurd wirkender,…

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Charlotte, NC Continues to Grow

March 4, 2011

Thinking about moving to the Southern part of the United States? Whether you want to do so for business purposes and/or personal reasons, Charlotte, North Carolina is a place you should seriously consider as the following excerpt of an article in the Charlotte Observer shows. The Charlotte area’s population surged in the past decade, despite…

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U.S. Supreme Court Rules on Personal Privacy Rights of Corporations

March 2, 2011

WASHINGTON — The New York Times reported that in a lively decision that relied as much on dictionaries, grammar and usage as it did on legal analysis, the Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled unanimously that corporations have no personal privacy rights for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act. According to the NY Times, AT&T,…

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“Zombie Pay Claims” and What Your HR Department Should Know About the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

March 1, 2011

Is it ever too late for an employee to sue their company for acts of payment discrimination? The rule of “you snooze, you lose” is largely true. One of the most important deadlines in a lawyer’s mind is the Statute of Limitations, otherwise known as the last possible day one can file their lawsuit before…

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Google Fights to Keep Documents Secret in Trademark Appeal

February 23, 2011

Google is famous for bringing all information including private one to the Internet, but now the company hopes to keep several documents secret in a pending appeal. Language software maker Rosetta Stone appealed after a federal judge ruled for Google in a trademark dispute. and now Google presented a lot of redacted documents. It seems…

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553 Million

February 23, 2011

Our February International Law Newsletter was published: 2/2011, Vol. 7, No. 2 contact me, if you would like to receive it via email.Thank you!Reinhard von Hennigs Best regards und viele Grüße aus Charlotte Reinhard von Hennigs

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Overtime: Exempt v. Nonexempt – Can You Pass DOL Scrutiny?

February 23, 2011

Exempt or not exempt is the question. Especially as recently both the federal and state governments increased their enforcement of wage and hour laws. This comes as no surprize after President Obama had ordered the hiring of a significant number of new investigators to focus on this issue and nothing else. We all know that…

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Update on Immigration-related Amendments to the House Budget Bill

February 22, 2011

The last week the House has been debating a budget bill to keep the government open for the remainder of the year (ending September 30). The US budget is always from October 1 thuough September 30 the following year. Rep. Hal Rogers (R-KY) introduced last week H.R. 1, commonly referred to as the continuing resolution…

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Visa Bulletin For March 2011

February 21, 2011

This Visa Bulletin is out again. It summarizes the availability of immigrant numbers during March 2011. See more details on our website or contact us. Best regards und viele Grüße aus Charlotte Reinhard von Hennigs

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IRS Begins Processing Tax Forms Affected by Late Tax Changes Taxpayers can e-File Immediately

February 17, 2011

The Internal Revenue Service announced on February 15, 2011 it has started processing individual tax returns affected by legislation enacted in December and reminded taxpayers that they can begin filing electronically immediately. On 2/14/2011 IRS systems began to accept and process both e-file and paper tax returns claiming itemized deductions on Form 1040, Schedule A,…

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