
Graue Haare als Kündigungsgrund?

July 11, 2011

Eine amerikanische Immobilienmaklerin hat gegen ihren ehemaligen Arbeitgeber Klage wegen Diskriminierung eingereicht. Der Vorwurf: Sie sei wegen ihrer grauen Haare gefeuert worden. Die 52-jährige Sandra Rawline arbeitete sich in der Immobilienfirma Capital Title von der Empfangsdame hoch bis zur Bereichsleiterin. Zweimal wurde sie dabei als herrausragende Mitarbeiterin geehrt. Als sie jedoch nach sechsjähriger Unternehmenszugehörigkeit mit…

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“Kitty” and “Miffy” Settle Out Of Court

July 7, 2011

The legal battle between “Hello Kitty” owner Sanrio and “Miffy” copyright manager Mercis finally ended with a settlement out of court. The parties decided to donate the 150 000 € settlement to the victims of the March 2011 earthquake in Japan and Cathy will disappear as a friend of Kitty. The Dutch firm Mercis sued…

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Bank of America erzielt Rekordvergleich

July 7, 2011

Bank of America zahlt in dem wohl teuersten Vergleich der jemals in der Finanzbranche geschlossen worden ist 8,5 Mrd. USD (5,9 Mrd. Euro) an eine Gruppe von Investoren, die in der Finanzkrise mit Hypothekenpapieren sehr viel Geld verloren haben. Die milliardenschwere Entschädigung soll Rechtstreitigkeiten mit Käufern von Hypothekenpapieren beenden, die zwischen 2004 und 2008 von…

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U.S. and Mexico Sign Trucking Agreement

July 7, 2011

Officials from the United States and Mexico signed an agreement this past Wednesday that will open up each country’s highways to trucks from its neighbor. The agreement represents the overdue implementation of a provision of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that was signed nearly two decades ago. The original NAFTA agreement called for…

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Better Late than Never: Michigan Man Pays 35 Year Old Parking Ticket

July 7, 2011

The Orlando Florida police department had a good laugh this past week when they received the payment of $1 for a parking ticket that had been issued November 7, 1975. Stanley Baker, who now lives in Pentwater, MI, found the ticket in a book that he had bought at an Orlando garage sale back in…

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Labor Court in Berlin finds SONY Germany Guilty of Sex Discrimination

July 1, 2011

On Tuesday, a labor court in Berlin found Sony Music Entertainment Germany guilty of sexual discrimination for promoting a man over a woman who was expecting a child. The women worked in the area of international marketing for Sony Music Entertainment, a joint venture at the time between Germany’s Bertelsmann and the Japanese Sony label.…

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California Begins Taxing the Internet

June 30, 2011

Governor Jerry Brown recently signed a California bill into law that imposes the collection of taxes from consumers on sales by online retailers. The law is designed as a run around the 1992 Supreme Court decision that ruled states cannot tax businesses that are not physically within their boundaries. This new statute would establish presence…

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Bob Hagemann Named New Charlotte City Attorney

June 28, 2011

Congratulations to Bob Hagemann! He was selected as the new Charlotte City Attorney and will assume the post in January. Mr. Hagemann has served as the senior deputy city attorney for more than three years. Hagemann earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Northwestern University and a law degree from UNC Chapel Hill. As…

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U.S. Supreme Court entscheidet Meinungsfreiheit umfasst auch Computerspiele

June 28, 2011

Computerspiele, auch solche mit hohem Gewaltanteil, sind von der Meinungsfreiheit geschützt und dürfen somit nicht durch Gesetz in ihrem Verkauf beschränkt werden. Dies entschied der U.S. Supreme Court am Montag und kippte damit ein umstrittenes Gesetz aus Kalifornien. Der Rechtsstreit über dieses Gesetz dauerte seit seiner Verabschiedung durch die Regierung Schwarzeneggers im Jahre 2005 an…

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Supreme Court Refuses to Extend Jurisdiction Across Borders in Goodyear Case

June 28, 2011

On June 27, 2011 the United States Supreme Court handed down a decision in the case of Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations v. Brown. This case made its way to the Supreme Court through the state courts of North Carolina. In 2004 two North Carolina teenagers were killed in a bus accident in France. The cause…

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