
Scalia macht den “Effenberger” – the “hand gesture dispute”

March 27, 2006

Am Wochenende ereignen sich bekannterweise die Skandale. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia verwendete eine sog “Italian hand gesture” am Sontag, als er nach dem Verlassen eines Gottesdienstes auf seine Kirchengewohnheiten angesprochen wurde. Doch was er genau machte, blieb dem Leser erspart. So pruede ist dann doch dieses Amerika, dass es Dinge nicht klar beim Namen…

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Mom Settles Wrongful Death Suit With Sons

March 27, 2006

A woman on trial for allegedly murdering her psychologist husband has agreed to pay $300,000 to two of her three sons to settle a wrongful death lawsuit. Mother and wife killed father and huspand and now pays the children? Strange case? Here are a few details: Susan Polk, 48, said she killed her husband in…

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Court limits search power

March 27, 2006

The Supreme Court ruled 5-3 this week (3/22/06) that it is unconstitutional for police without a warrant to search a home. So why this new? Here is the factual specialty: two occupants are present at the time and one consents but the other objects. The search may not go forward in the face of that…

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Vegan sues McDonald’s after dairy, wheat disclosure

February 25, 2006

A professed vegan has filed a proposed class-action lawsuit claiming McDonald’s Corp. misled consumers into thinking its french fries are free of dairy and wheat products. It seems to be one of those stories. McDonald is sues for everything. For coffee too hot, for hamburger too fat and now for fries too natural. Nadia Sugich…

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bla bla bla or Dianna Abdala vs. William Korman

February 25, 2006

Dianna Abdala is a 24-year-old Boston-area attorney who made some kind of world fame. She had apparently agreed to work for William Korman, a lawyer. She decided on Friday at 9 PM not to take a job which was most likely scheduled to start on Monday morning. This all happend through email. But read yourself…

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Sarbanes Oxley Act

February 24, 2006

nice new piece of information to get started about SOX regarding the following: * IT security’s role in SOX compliance * The evolving nature of a SOX audit and what it will take to pass future audits * How to develop a SOX philosophy * How to project business requirements to security requirements Take…

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Picaro or Picasso ?

February 21, 2006

The European Union’s highest court dismissed a legal bid by the heirs of Pablo Picasso to stop the car firm DaimlerChrysler from using the trademark “Picaro” which, they argued, was too similar to the name of the artist. Five of the painter’s children and grandchildren had asked the European Court of Justice (ECJ) to intervene.…

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Unternehmensgründung leicht gemacht

February 4, 2006

Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung berichtet zum Thema “Bürokratieabbau”. Interessant, wenn eine Behörde die Bürokratie abbauen will … Dort lese ich: “In Deutschland gibt es viele gute Geschäftsideen. Aber Deutschland hat auch viele Verordnungen und Vorschriften. Damit die guten Ideen schneller Wirklichkeit werden, startet nun ein Internet-Portal mit allen relevanten Vorschriften und Gesetzen. Die startothek…

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Merkel in Washington

January 17, 2006

Das Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung berichtet und publiziert die Rede von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel anlässlich der ACG/DGAP-Konferenz am 12. Januar in Washington. Nachstehend zum Zwecke der Dokumentation der Text. Doch zugleich die Frage: Wie finden Sie die Rede? Ist das ein neuer “Wind” in der amerikanisch-deutschen Beziehung? Wird sich nach der Rede was ändern?Gruss…

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SEC to Vote on Rules for Executives Pay

January 17, 2006

Federal securities regulators are moving to require companies to provide far greater detail about their executives’ pay packages and perks in an effort to bring more transparency to an area that has provoked investor and public anger. It is good to know how much the CEO earns per month if you invest in this company.…

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