
Rack Room Shoes expands its corporate headquarters in Charlotte

March 8, 2013

(c) Rack Room Shoes will expand its corporate headquarters in Charlotte and relocate the headquarters of its subsidiary Off Broadway Shoes, from Georgia to Charlotte. The company is going to establish new retail stores and sales over the next five years. Currently, 49 of 450 stores are located in North Carolina. The main reasons…

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Müller Milch auf Expansionskurs

July 11, 2012

Müller Milch wird in naher Zukunft in Amerika Fuß fassen, um den US-Markt zu erobern. Die bayerische Großmolkerei Müller ist gerade dabei in den USA einen neuen Standort aufzubauen.  Im Bundesstaat New York wird eine neue Fabrik mit 180 Mitarbeiter gebaut. Müller Milch ist mit einem Umsatz von 2,8 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr eines der größten…

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North Carolina Senate Approves Expansion of Castle Doctrine

March 16, 2011

Raleigh, N.C. — Soon not only your house but also your car and your workplace may be classified as “castle” thanks to an expansion of North Carolina’s Castle Doctrine which was approved by the North Carolina Senate on March 14, 2011 with a 35-13 vote. Based on the English Common Law provision that “one’s home…

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