
Wegen “Gefällt-mir”- Button vor US-Gericht

August 29, 2012

Das US-Berufungsgericht in Richmond steht nun vor der Frage, ob ein Klick bei Facebook auf den “Gefällt-mir”-Button vom Grundrecht auf freie Meinungsäußerung gedeckt ist.  Sowohl Facebook als auch die US-Bürgerrechtsbewegung American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) haben sich einem Verfahren angeschlossen, in dem ehemalige Mitarbeiter eines Sheriffs in Virginia gegen ihre Entlassung klagen. Sie hatten den…

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Muslim Group to Sue Oklahoma Over Shariah Law Amendment

November 4, 2010

On Wednesday, November 3, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced that it plans to file a lawsuit against Oklahoma for passing the “Shariah law amendment.” As explained in our previous blog post, the amendment changed the state constitution so that Oklahoma courts are now forbidden from “considering or using” both international law and Sharia…

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Justices Revisit Tax Credits for Religious Schools

November 4, 2010

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Wednesday returned to a subject that produced a major and closely divided decision eight years ago: how far may the government go in aiding religious schools? In 2002, in a 5-to-4 ruling, the court upheld a school voucher system in Cleveland that parents used almost exclusively to pay for…

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Supreme Court Justices Debate Video Game Ban

November 3, 2010

WASHINGTON — In a lively and sometimes testy Supreme Court argument on Tuesday over a law banning the sale of violent video games to minors, the justices struggled to define how the First Amendment should apply to a new medium. They tried analogies — to books, films, cartoons, comic books, fairy tales and rap lyrics.…

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Gucci Purses OK, Confederate Flagged Purses Not So OK

November 28, 2009

Just the right news for the big Thanksgiving pre-advent and pre-christmas shopping weekend: Gucci Purses OK, Confederate Flagged Purses Not So OK. This is the essence of a new federal appeals court decision. Once upon a time in suburbia of Ft. Worth, Texas there was a not so long ago history of racially charged student…

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German Killers Sue Wikipedia

November 17, 2009

Die New York Times berichtet gerade dazu, es geht um Wolfgang W. und Manfred L. und deren Sedelmeyer Tötung. In dem reissenden Titel “German Killers Sue Wikipedia” geht es um die Freiheit der Meinungsäusserung. Deutsches Recht verlangt, die Namen der Täter nicht zu nennen. Die Server von Wikipedia sind in den USA. Also: was geht…

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