
November 14, 2017

“Google” is not Generic The case involved whether a trademark owner should lose rights in instances when the trademark is frequently used as a verb such as in the phrase “Google it.”   The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals found that “googled” may have become synonymous for Internet searching, but that does not mean that…

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Do you have a right to be forgotten?

September 9, 2016

Recently, a plaintiff in the US sued search engines because after running his name through the search engine’s services, the top results had included links to filings from various previous legal actions he had filed. The plaintiff ‘s possible future employer had seen those results and decided not to hire him.It is an interesting question…

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Google droht Datenschutzklage

July 12, 2012

Google droht in den USA eine Klage, da das Unternehmen angeblich Datenschutzeinstellungen von Usern umging. Der Suchmaschinist will die Klage mit einem Vergleich abwenden, in dem er sich zu einer Millionenzahlung verpflichtet. Die Rede ist von 22 Millionen US Dollar, umgerechnet ca. 18 Millionen Euro. Bereits Anfang des Jahres hatte das Wall Street Journal berichtet,…

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A Green Apple in North Carolina

February 27, 2012

Maiden, North Carolina, is home to Apple’s largest and most recent data center, which in turn is at the heart of the company’s latest push into cloud storage and cloud computing through its iCloud service. The North Carolina data center will also showcase “the nation’s largest end-user-owned, onsite solar array,” as the company’s’ 2012 environmental…

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Google verliert vor dem Bundesgerichtshof (BGH): erhöhte Prüfpflichten bei Blogeinträgen

October 27, 2011

Google wurde von einem Geschäftsmann als Betreiber eines Blogs verklagt (BGH, Urt. v. 25. Oktober 2011, VI ZR 93/10). Der Kläger beanstandete, dass ein von einem Dritten eingerichteter Blog unter anderem eine Tatsachenbehauptung enthält, die unwahr und ehrenrührig sei. Daraufhin verklagte der Geschäftsmann Google als Hostprovider in der Störerhaftung auf Unterlassung. Die beiden Vorinstanzen (LG…

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ECJ May Limit Rights of Advertisers to Use Names of Rivals as Keywords

April 13, 2011

Google and other search engine providers offer advertisers the opportunity to purchase advertising keywords corresponding to trademarks, often those owned by their competitors. As a consequence, a user who types in a brand name may be directed to the website of a company that offers competing products. One of the latest examples in a series…

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Google Fights to Keep Documents Secret in Trademark Appeal

February 23, 2011

Google is famous for bringing all information including private one to the Internet, but now the company hopes to keep several documents secret in a pending appeal. Language software maker Rosetta Stone appealed after a federal judge ruled for Google in a trademark dispute. and now Google presented a lot of redacted documents. It seems…

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E.U. Says It Will Overhaul Privacy Regulations

November 5, 2010

PARIS — The European Commission called on Thursday for stronger protection of Internet users’ personal information, after news of data leaks at companies like Facebook and Google highlighted concerns about digital privacy. Viviane Reding, the justice commissioner, announced its intention to overhaul the European Union’s data protection rules to take account of the development of…

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Google muss 8.5 Millionen USD zahlen, um den Streit um Google Buzz beizulegen

November 4, 2010

Am 9. Februar 2010 startete Google den Service Buzz, einen Zusatzdienst, der es Google Mailnutzern ermöglicht Bilder, Videos und Kurznachrichten untereinander auszutauschen. Im Februar 2011 wurde dann eine Sammelklage gegen Google von Google Benutzern eingereicht. Die Kläger behaupteten, dass Google Buzz insbesondere gegen den Computer Fraud and Abuse Act verstößt. In diesem Gesetz sind insbesondere…

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Google Agrees to Change Ad Policy to Settle Case

October 28, 2010

PARIS — Google has pledged to overhaul its rules and procedures for blocking certain advertisers from buying “sponsored links” on its search engine as part of a settlement with French authorities announced Thursday. As part of the deal with French Competition Authority, Google agreed to adopt conditions, including a three-month notification period, when it rejects…

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