
Immigration Update

May 29, 2018

The Department of Homeland Security announced on May 29, 2018 that it plans to end the immigration parole program for international entrepreneurs because “this program is not the appropriate vehicle for attracting and retaining international entrepreneurs and does not adequately protect U.S. investors and U.S. workers employed by or seeking employment with the start-up.” For…

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US Supreme Court Upholds Arbitration Provisions for Employment Contracts

May 7, 2018

On May 21, the United States Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that companies may continue to use arbitration clauses in employment contracts which could affect approximately 25 million employment contracts. The case is the latest attempt by the court to determine the extent to which employers are legally allowed to insist that workplace…

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Transparenz im USA-Geschäft – Notwendiges Übel oder Wettbewerbsvorteil?

April 27, 2018

Die USA und Deutschland sind seit langem gute Geschäfts- und Handelspartner. Trotz oder gerade wegen der neuen Regierung wachsen die bilateralen Handelsbeziehungen und sind – trotz der gegenwärtigen Spannungen im Zollstreit – stärker denn je. Viele deutsche Unternehmen gehen in die USA, um dort Niederlassungen zu etablieren, Produkte zu verkaufen, oder Partnerschaften einzugehen. Warum? Die…

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Mitfahrgelegenheitsapp UberPop kann in EU-Ländern verboten werden

April 19, 2018

Verbot von UberPop in Europäischen Ländern ist rechtmäßig gemäß einem Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshof. UberPop ist eine App für Smartphones, die Mitfahrgelegenheiten bei privaten Autofahrern vermittelt. In Deutschland musste der UberPop-Dienst eingestellt werden, und Frankreich startete gegen UberPop ein Strafverfahren, welches die Personenbeförderung durch Privatleute über UberPop in Frankreich verboten hatte. In der nächsten Instanz…

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David Copperfield Reveals Magic Trick In Court

April 16, 2018

Magicians are known for never revealing the secret behind their magic tricks. In April 2018, however, the world’s highest-paid magician, David Copperfield, had to reveal his “Lucky #13” trick in a Nevada court, where he and the Las Vegas MGM resort were sued for negligence by a British tourist, who claimed he suffered a dislocated…

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Trends in Employment Law

April 13, 2018

Employment law has a constantly changing legal landscape that demands attention particularly within the next couple years. External forces, such as political agendas, congressional sessions, and cultural movements, maintain heavy influence on how the law changes or stays the same. In response to the last two (2) years, employment law is expected to shift in…

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9th Circuit Court Rules Monkey Has No Standing to Assert Copyright Infringement

April 11, 2018

On April 23, 2018 the San Francisco-based 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a crested macaque named Naruto has no standing to assert copyright infringement. After wildlife photographer David Slater left his camera unattended on a reserve located in Indonesia, Naruto snapped a few selfies which Slater published in a wildlife book. Last…

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Strategy Series #2: Is A Commodity Mindset Killing Your Business?

April 6, 2018

BridgehouseLaw is pleased to sponsor the Strategy Matters Series and the March seminar provided actionable advice how to differentiate your business from the competition, and how to avoid a Commodity Mindset.  Business growth expert Sheree DeMao presented several case studies exemplifying the best practices: (1) Repackaging and Delivering to Underserved Markets, (2) Innovate / Re-engineer…

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What is the Golden Visa?

April 3, 2018

  Like many other European countries, Italy has joined in on the “Golden Visa” conversation. Similar to the investor visa available in the United States, Italy is providing a prime opportunity to invest in its economy and society. Italy is situated as the third largest economy in the Eurozone and eighth largest in the world, but aims to add…

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Does a revocation upon divorce statute violate the US constitution’s contractual clause?

March 27, 2018

In 1997 the plaintiff, Mr. Sveen, acquired a life insurance and married his wife later that year. Only a year later he named her the beneficiary of the insurance, as well as his two adult children as the contingent beneficiaries. In 2002 Minnesota changed its probate code on life insurances, making it the rule that…

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