
USA Workshop in München vom 15 – 16. November

October 13, 2017

Trotz oder wegen Trump: USA go west ! Wer will in USA eine Firma aufbauen, M&A oder sonst den Markt erobern? am 15. und 16. November der GABA Workshop in München – Rückfragen gerne an mich und …. es gibt noch ein paar freie Plätze Wir begleiten Sie gerne! Amerika ist immer noch das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten!…

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Too late, but never too late – Prosecution against aging Nazis

January 4, 2017

In the past two years, two men, Reinhold Hanning and Oskar Groning, who had worked as guards and bookkeepers at the Auschwitz death camp during World War II were convicted to four- and five-year sentences for accessory to murder in German courts. Both men are in their 90s today and while it might seem futile…

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8th Annual AmCham Germany Business Day: “Innovation Triangle – USA – Germany – Israel”

December 23, 2016

Israel has been known as an “innovation hub” for a long time and in no other country do companies apply for as many patents as in the US, followed by Japan and Germany. Join us for the 8th Annual AmCham Germany Business Day and discuss with our keynote speakers such as Dov Moran, the inventor…

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“Convicting Yesterday’s Nazis in Today’s German Courts”

November 17, 2016

YOU ARE INVITED TO A SPECIAL PROGRAM: CONVICTING YESTERDAY’S NAZIS IN TODAY’S GERMAN COURTS SUNDAY, DEC. 11, 2016, 2 p.m.600 Peachtree Battle Ave NW, 30327Ahavath Achim Synagogue A DISCUSSION WITH DR. CHRISTOPH RÜCKEL, German attorney and member of the legal team prosecuting aging Nazis in German courts, has won recent convictions and jail sentences for 93-year-old…

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I “may” have flown inside Hillary’s plane

November 8, 2016

Not trying to be political. Just observing. Funny to know that Merriam-Webster today made the German word “Götterdämmerung” to be the word of the day. But I may have flown inside Hilary’s plane, a Boeing 737-800. This is the fun story to share. One may think “why may”? After I saw the arrival in New…

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Court finds NCDOT’s 25-year Property Freeze to be Unfair

July 18, 2016

The Supreme Court of North Carolina recently decided that it is illegal for a state government agency to institute an indefinite property “freeze” by forbidding improvement, development or subdivision by the landowner, only so that the government can buy it cheaply from the owner at some unspecified time in the future. If any other government…

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Obama’s DAPA Program Blocked by U.S. Supreme Court Decision

July 11, 2016

On June 23, 2016, the Supreme Court of the United States (“SCOTUS”) tied on its decision involving President Barack Obama’s DAPA program; meaning, the program has not been rejected, but rather pushed back to the appeals level with the possibility of still being enacted at a later time. In 2014, President Obama attempted to overhaul…

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Historic Changes in Europe: How they may affect your business – Part 2

July 5, 2016

Brexit: Keep Calm and Carry On.   The votes are in. On June 23rd, 2016, the UK voted to leave the European Union (EU). The referendum passed by a slim margin with “Leave” wining by 52% to 48%. Following the vote, the mood from UK political leaders, EU leaders, and the financial sector is that…

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Employers May Be Required to Pay More Employees Overtime

July 1, 2016

The Department of Labor’s (“DOL”) new overtime rule, which takes effect on Dec. 1, 2016, makes millions more employees eligible for overtime pay. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA), salaried employees are guaranteed overtime for any hours they work beyond the standard 40-hour workweek, with exceptions to the rule based on both…

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The Right to Disconnect

May 31, 2016

Should workers be entitled to completely detach from work when they are not at the office? The French legislature seems to think so. A recent law passed by the Assemblée Nationale (AN) is encouraging French companies to negotiate formal policies with their employees, limiting work-related contact with employees to their regular working hours. This move…

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