
From the CBJ: Look out San Francisco: Charlotte’s among 8 cities vying for your tech workers

September 9, 2015

We read this interesting article by Roland Li in the online edition of the CBJ: “The tech industry has long been the lifeblood of economic growth in the San Francisco Bay Area. But other cities around the country are fighting to gain a bigger share of the pie, with their lower costs and academic centers,…

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NC Legislature News

August 13, 2015

HB 760 is a NC regulatory reform bill. The bill passed the 3rd reading in the House on May 6th, 2015 by a 77-32 vote. The bill is now in the Senate, where it passed its first reading on May 7th, 2015.   Republican representatives Chris Millis, John Bell, and Dennis Riddell are the primary…

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Google accidentally reveals data on “right to be forgotten” requests

August 13, 2015

280,000 private individuals in Europe have made a number of requests to Google asking the company to remove certain web pages from its search results. In May 2014, the European Court of Justice ruled that an Internet search engine has to consider such requests from a person about search results related to that person’s name.…

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Urteil im Auschwitz-Prozess

August 13, 2015

Wir haben im Juli Newsletter über den Gerichtsprozess gegen Oskar Gröning, den sogenannten “Buchhalter von Auschwitz” berichtet. In der Zwischenzeit wurde Gröning vom Landegericht in Lüneburg wegen Beihilfe zum Mord in 300,000 Fällen zu vier Jahren Haft verurteilt. Dieses Urteil wurde mit gemischten Reaktionen aufgenommen. Die Verteidigung hatte einen Freispruch gefordert. Der Sinn des Verfahrens…

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The Department of Justice investigates airlines for collusion

July 22, 2015

Did some airlines collude to keep the airfare and their profits up? Did they possibly slow down their growth and try to avoid a prize competition on certain flight routes, which were already operated by competitors? The Department of Justice started an investigation against unnamed airlines. The government also requested information from some airlines for…

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A “too late” does not exist in in murder cases

July 22, 2015

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the End of World War II and also the Nuremburg Trials. In these trials high ranked Nazi war criminals were charged for actions in the Second World War and the Holocaust. Goering was one of the most famous defendants, but for the rest of the world it was…

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The Supreme Court Tears Abercrombie & Fitch’s Dress Code

July 22, 2015

On June 1, 2015 in an 8-1 decision, the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of Samantha Eluf, a female applicant who had been denied a job at Abercrombie & Fitch due to wearing her headscarf, or hijab, in an interview. Ms. Eluf had originally been awarded $20,000 by a jury, but was overturned…

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Das Bundesministerium für Inneres meldet sich im Streit um DFB-Adler zu Wort

July 22, 2015

Die juristische Auseinandersetzung zwischen dem Deutschen Fussball Bund (DFB) und der Warenhauskette Real um den Markenschutz für den DFB-Adler geht in die nächste Runde. Dazu schaltet sich jetzt sogar der Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maiziere in die Debatte ein. Wie bereits im Newsletter August 2014 berichtet, hat Real zur vergangenen Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft verschiedene Produkte mit Adler-Symbol verkauft,…

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Technological Systems Issue Passport/Visa Systems Errors

June 15, 2015

June 12, 2015 The Bureau of Consular Affairs is currently experiencing technical problems with our overseas passport and visa systems.This issue is not specific to any particular country, citizenship document, or visa category. Please follow this link for more information Best regards und viele Grüße aus Charlotte Reinhard von Hennigs

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Does the BEA apply to you?

June 8, 2015

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (or “BEA”) is a governmental agency charged with providing up to date economic statistical information. In 2009, the BEA temporarily suspended a number reporting requirements that applied to certain entities that engage foreign direct investment in the US. However, as of November 26, 2014, the suspension on these reporting requirements…

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