
The Supreme Court Tears Abercrombie & Fitch’s Dress Code

July 22, 2015

On June 1, 2015 in an 8-1 decision, the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of Samantha Eluf, a female applicant who had been denied a job at Abercrombie & Fitch due to wearing her headscarf, or hijab, in an interview. Ms. Eluf had originally been awarded $20,000 by a jury, but was overturned…

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Das Bundesministerium für Inneres meldet sich im Streit um DFB-Adler zu Wort

July 22, 2015

Die juristische Auseinandersetzung zwischen dem Deutschen Fussball Bund (DFB) und der Warenhauskette Real um den Markenschutz für den DFB-Adler geht in die nächste Runde. Dazu schaltet sich jetzt sogar der Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maiziere in die Debatte ein. Wie bereits im Newsletter August 2014 berichtet, hat Real zur vergangenen Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft verschiedene Produkte mit Adler-Symbol verkauft,…

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Technological Systems Issue Passport/Visa Systems Errors

June 15, 2015

June 12, 2015 The Bureau of Consular Affairs is currently experiencing technical problems with our overseas passport and visa systems.This issue is not specific to any particular country, citizenship document, or visa category. Please follow this link for more information Best regards und viele Grüße aus Charlotte Reinhard von Hennigs

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Does the BEA apply to you?

June 8, 2015

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (or “BEA”) is a governmental agency charged with providing up to date economic statistical information. In 2009, the BEA temporarily suspended a number reporting requirements that applied to certain entities that engage foreign direct investment in the US. However, as of November 26, 2014, the suspension on these reporting requirements…

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He who owns the software, owns the machine? John Deere tries to change the common idea of ownership

June 8, 2015

Most modern machines require software to operate properly. In fact, many machines can’t run without the installed software at all. That’s the reason John Deere, the world’s largest agricultural machine manufacturer, is attempting to change the common idea of ownership. Many of John Deere’s customers use the free services of workshops or other programmers to…

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Pending Legislation: NC Employees could be entitled to Paid Sick Leave

June 8, 2015

Democrats in the North Carolina legislature have proposed a new bill which could require private-sector employers to provide their employees with paid sick leave. House Bill 270, known as The Healthy Family & Workplaces / Paid Sick Days Bill, would require private employers to provide their employees with 1 hour of paid sick leave for…

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Advocay Trip to Raleigh, NC

June 8, 2015

Und wieder einmal tagte in der Bundeshauptstadt Raleigh der Landesgesetzgeber. Auch in diesem Jahr bin ich dort gewesen und habe zahlreiche Gespräche geführt. Unter Anderem mit dem Minister für Umweltschutz, van den Belt, sowie der Innenministerin Frau Marshall. Mit Frau Marshall habe ich dann das Thema besprochen, inwieweit bei internationalen Beglaubigungen (dieses kommt häufiger vor,…

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Berlin Buddy Bear – The second for Charlotte!

June 5, 2015

Seit Dienstag, dem 2. Juni, gibt es den zweiten Buddy Bear in Charlotte. Der Buddy Bear ( befindet sich auf dem Gelände der E.E. Waddell Language Academy und wurde heute, in Kooperation mit der Direktorin der  Schule, Ynez Olshausen, dem Honorarkonsul Klaus Becker  und Reinhard von Hennigs feierlich vorgestellt. Im Wege dieser Feierlichkeiten gebührt ein grosser Dank DHL…

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CPCC to host German delegation

May 14, 2015

The Central Piedmont Community College will welcome a high-ranking delegation next week from Karlsruhe, Germany. Click here to read the Charlotte Oberserver article! from Best regards und viele Grüße aus Charlotte Reinhard von Hennigs

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Technology & Employees Colliding Yet Again

May 13, 2015

Sales Exec sues Company: Claims she was fired for removing app that allowed boss to track her 24/7  BridgehouseLaw partner Nicole Murphey regularly gives lectures to HR executives and employers on this issue and other technology concerns in the workplace. Recent events were at the NASCAR Hall of Fame and the Charlotte City Club.   …

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