
IT-compliance requirements on the rise

May 12, 2015

BridgehouseLaw Germany is hosting a seminar on IT-compliance, including risks and requirements under German law, and tools for transnational IT-compliance, on Thursday, 28thMay 2015, 1 pm -6:30 pmat the BridgehouseLaw Germany Cologne Office,Habsburgerring 2, 50674 Cologne, Germany Professional use of IT, telecommunications and what was once called “new media” has become a necessity or even…

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NC Lawmakers Consider Driver’s Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants

May 7, 2015

A proposal for a state law that would grant driving privileges to immigrants living in NC illegally made it through a NC House judiciary committee on April 15, 2015. Out of the estimated 325,000 people living illegally in North Carolina, approximately 90,000 to 110,000 are of driving age. Under the proposal, immigrants may apply for…

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Anti-Trust charges filed against Google

May 7, 2015

On April 15, 2015, the European Union (EU) filed antitrust charges against tech giant Google, Inc., alleging that the company favors its own products in search results over its rivals’ services. The complaint is based on allegations from competitors that Google diverts web traffic from competitors’ rivals to its own comparison-shopping site. The EU also…

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State Department Website & Visa Applications

April 30, 2015

If you need to access the State Department website during the next two week (e.g. to fill out forms like the DS-160, schedule interviews etc.), please keep in mind that the website will almost certainly be “frozen” next Tuesday (May 5th) and possibly for a day or two after, as the DV results (also known…

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2015 Transportation Infrastructure Summit – We Can’t Wait

April 21, 2015

According to the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data, Charlotte ranks as the second fastest-growing big city in the country. Charlotte has grown 40 percent since the 2000 census, and the result of our population boom is an increased demand on the transportation infrastructure in the Charlotte region. With a status quo transportation funding structure, the…

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Kann ich wegen rufschädigender Tweets gekündigt werden?

April 15, 2015

Meinungsäußerungen im Arbeitsverhältnis rechtfertigen eine Kündigung im Normalfall nicht. Nutzt man soziale Netzwerke, um seine Meinung zu verbreiten, entstehen gleichwohl Arbeitsplatzrisiken. So äußert sich etwa der Produktionsleiter eines deutschen Exportunternehmens in kleinem Kreis über die seiner Meinung nach geringe Arbeitsmoral der türkischen Kollegen. Die Äußerung beruht auf einem Vorurteil. Der Geschäftsführer, der von dieser Äußerung…

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U.S. has record number of applications for H-1B visas

April 15, 2015

(Reuters) – Applications for H-1B visas allowing U.S. businesses to hire foreign workers in science, engineering and computer programming totaled a record 233,000 for fiscal 2016, according to government figures released on Monday. A maximum of 85,000 of the work visas, including 20,000 for holders of master’s degrees, are available each year under limits set…

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H-1B Cap Premium Processing to Begin April 27

April 15, 2015

On April 27, 2015, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will begin premium processing for cap-subject H-1B petitions requesting premium processing, including petitions seeking an exemption for individuals with a U.S. master’s degree or higher. USCIS first announced in a news release that it would temporarily adjust its premium processing practice due to the historic…

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Schlechte Vorzeichen für die TTIP-Deadline zum Jahresende

April 15, 2015

Manchmal, wenn Cecilia Malmström, EU-Handelskomissarin, über die TTIP-Verhandlungen spricht, bemüht die EU-Handelskommissarin einen alten Witz: Jemand hat sich verfahren und fragt mitten im Nirgendwo einen Einheimischen, wie er von hier am besten zu seinem Ziel komme. “Sie sollten von woanders losfahren”, kommt als Antwort. Diesbezüglich und über den Begriff ‘Chlorhühnchen’ kann die liberale Schwedin mittlerweile…

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Gold Key Service

April 15, 2015 brings together resources from across the U.S. Government to assist American businesses in planning their international sales strategies and succeed in today’s global marketplace. One of the services provided is the Gold Key Service where the U.S. Commercial Service arranges business meetings with pre-screened contact representatives, distributors, professional associations, government contacts, and/or licensing or…

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