
Dead cell phones can no longer fly to the United States

July 15, 2014

The TSA has announced new security measures: you now might be asked to power up your devices before boarding a plane. This includes your cell phone and other electronic devices with a flat battery. “Powerless devices will not be permitted onboard the aircraft,” the TSA announced in a statement.   This new rule will be…

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The Carolina Comeback- North Carolina returns to CNBC’S Top States for Business

June 30, 2014

In fact, the Tar Heel State landed at No. 5 in the 2014 overall ranking, after falling out of the top 10 for the first time ever to rank No. 12 last year. CNBC counted down its annual Top States for Business ranking, and North Carolina has reclaimed its place among the best. States receive…

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Fünf Gründe, warum Deutschland nicht twittert

June 30, 2014

Laut PeerReach gibt es nur 540.000 aktive Twitter-Nutzer in Deutschland. Auch die in der ARD/ZDF- Online- Studie genannte Zahl von einer Million deutscher Nutzer, die zumindest „gelegentlich“ Twitter nutzt, fällt im Ländervergleich angesichts von rund 80 Millionen Einwohnern, von denen rund 77 Prozent über 14 Jahren das Internet nutzen, eher nüchtern aus. Die Niederlande, Türkei…

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Charlotte companies search supply chains for minerals from Congo

June 27, 2014

Because of the Dodd- Frank financial reform act, companies have to examine their supply chains for so called “conflict minerals” to determine whether they came from Africa’s Congolese region, where some mining operations help fund armed militias. “Conflict minerals” include tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold. In the first round of regulatory filings supplied to the…

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Investment crowd funding bill moves closer to reality in N.C.

June 27, 2014

Brian Dally created a website where independent real estate developers raise money from investors. Now Dally wants to expand his business but he will to have to wait until N.C. legislators sign the appropriate legislation. The U.S. Congress has implemented six of seven new titles for crowd funding. The non-implemented title changes a current rule,…

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Non-compete Clauses Increasingly Pop Up in Array of Jobs

June 27, 2014

If you thought that non-compete clauses where only to be found in areas like technology or sales you are wrong. non-compete clauses are now everywhere. Non-compete clauses are appearing in far-ranging fields, beyond the worlds of technology, sales and corporations with tightly held secrets, where the curbs have traditionally been used. From event planners to…

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International expansion at CLT in holding pattern

June 27, 2014

Is it necessary to expand the airport of Charlotte to win new companies? Charlotte Douglas International is the busiest American airport without a direct flight to Asia. “If we could get that direct flight to Shanghai, I think that would open the floodgates for new companies,” says Jeff Edge, Senior Vice President of Economic Development…

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Mecklenburg County Courthouse – The “no click rule” in courtrooms

June 17, 2014

The Mecklenburg County Courthouse costs the taxpayers $150 million per year. Because of this you would think you are allowed to take photographs inside. But interior shots of the courthouse are strictly forbidden, without an advance okay from court officials. Senior Resident Superior Court Judge Richard Boner defends the “no click rule” of the Mecklenburg…

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New plans to allow the spouses of highly skilled temporary non-immigrant workers to work in the U.S.

May 29, 2014

The Obama administration is looking to make adjustments to the nation’s immigrations system. They plan to allow the spouses of some highly skilled temporary non-immigrant workers to work in the United States. One problem for theses spouses, mainly from China, India or the Philippines, is that they are not allowed to work in the United…

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U.S. firms head for Europe, fleeing a nutty tax code

May 29, 2014 Low taxes, light regulation and entrepreneurial culture- these are the advantages of America. Those advantages are getting lost, because of the inefficient health care system that eats up 18 cents of every dollar in the economy, and a punitive and convoluted corporate tax system. The latter can be seen in drug giant Pfizer’s recent…

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