
First German – Turkish Business Forum of BridgehouseLaw

January 30, 2014

Wir laden Sie herzlich zu dem Seminar am Mittwoch, den 19.02.2014 um 10 Uhr, zum Thema “Die wachsende Bedeutung der deutsch-türkischen Geschäftsbeziehungen” in Geschäftsräumen des Bridgehouselaw Cologne, Habsburgerring 2, WESTGATE, 50674 Köln ein.   Mit Anstieg des Bruttoinlandsprodukts von 3,7 % im ersten Halbjahr des letzten Jahres gehört die Türkei zu einem der schnellst wachsenden…

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Interstate Migration

January 30, 2014

Recent studies have shown that the economic downturn in the USA from 2007 is still limiting American’s moving patterns, which is considered one of the key aspects of today’s lifestyle. Almost 5 years after the “Great Recession”, according to the Census Bureau the number of “across state line” movers stayed under 455,000, whereas before 2007…

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Mecklenburg Partnership celebrated 20th Anniversary!

January 29, 2014

On January 19, 2014 the partnership between Germany and the Queen City, Charlotte, celebrated their20th anniversary at the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art. Upon this celebration of an excellent working partnership Catherine Hansen, the chief of protocol for the city of Charlotte, said; “They believed in us and we believed in them and, mutually, we…

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Google Glass Ticket Dismissed

January 28, 2014

(c) As you may remember, in October we posted about Southern California resident Cecilia Abadie, who was pulled over by the California Highway patrol for speeding and being cited for wearing Google Glass while driving. Google Glass is Google’s early version of a head-mounted computer display. A small square monitor sits above the right…

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Border Search Exception – Supreme Court decision

January 28, 2014

(c) The border search exception is a criminal law doctrine in the U.S. that allows searches and seizures at international borders and functional equivalents, such as airports etc., without a warrant or a probate cause to prevent smuggling and entry of prohibited activities. It is considered an exception to the 4th Amendment. Actually, it is…

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Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) – UPDATE

January 28, 2014

As mentioned on our blog various times before, FATCA is an intergovernmental agreement, as a part of the “Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act“ (HIRE Act 2010) between Germany -and others- and the United States. It requires individuals to report their financial accounts held outside of the U.S. and foreign financial institutions to report to…

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Top Legislative Issues to Watch in 2014

January 3, 2014

Here are big legislative issues states will look to tackle in 2014: Medicaid In many statehouses in 2014, expansion will be discussed alongside revisions in how Medicaid is delivered and accessed. There could also be proposals to cover more low-income populations without expanding Medicaid, as Oklahoma and Indiana have done. But the idea of fitting…

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Senate Race 2014: Insides for North Carolina

January 3, 2014

Elections for the United States Senate will be held on November 4, 2014, with 33 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate being contested in regular elections whose winners will serve six-year terms from January 3, 2015 to January 3, 2021. The 2014 United States Senate election in North Carolina will also be…

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Additional Provisions and Fees of Obamacare 2014

January 3, 2014

(c) ObamaCare imposes a new requirement on all U.S. citizens and legal residents to obtain government-approved health insurance. For most Americans this will mean they are required to carry health insurance or run the risk of paying fines under Obamacare starting in 2014. Here is the brief description about the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known…

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Immigration Reform News 2014

January 2, 2014

Comprehensive immigration reform is about to be taken up in the Capitol Hill early in this year and it is time to think before taking a decision on the contentious issue. Indications that more and more people want to see the comprehensive reform implemented are positive. The conservatives in the House are still wary of…

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