IT-compliance requirements on the rise
May 12, 2015
BridgehouseLaw Germany is hosting a seminar on IT-compliance, including risks and requirements under German law, and tools for transnational IT-compliance, on
Thursday, 28thMay 2015, 1 pm -6:30 pm
at the BridgehouseLaw Germany Cologne Office,
Habsburgerring 2, 50674 Cologne, Germany
at the BridgehouseLaw Germany Cologne Office,
Habsburgerring 2, 50674 Cologne, Germany
Professional use of IT, telecommunications and what was once called “new media” has become a necessity or even business critical for most enterprises. In order to remain or become leaders in competitive environments, businesses face increasing demand to interact electronically with their employees, business partners, and authorities. At the same time, however, those exact channels of communication are subject to an ever increasing number of attacks, be it by hackers, industrial espionage or a disgruntled employee.
Due to this development, businesses can no longer rely on a single line of defense at the internet firewall, if outside attacks may overcome such defenses with relatively simple techniques such as “social engineering.” Furthermore, legal requirements with regard to IT-compliance are constantly adapted to new threats.
This seminar aims to look at possible angles of attack, the resulting legal requirements established for enterprises doing business in Germany, and the possibilities to use software-based compliance tools.
The seminar will be in German language, but is also suitable for businesses entering the German market. All participants interested in recent (legal) developments in IT-compliance in Germany are most welcome.
Best regards
und viele Grüße aus Charlotte
Reinhard von Hennigs
und viele Grüße aus Charlotte
Reinhard von Hennigs
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