Priscilla Presley Sues for Elder Abuse

On July 18, Priscilla Presley, ex-wife of Elvis Presley, filed suit against four former business partners and advisors for fraud and elder abuse. The suit is pending in a Los Angeles court and details how four individuals in Florida “meticulously planned” a scheme to take power over nearly every aspect of her life to steal not only her current assets but any money the star may earn in future deals.

The allegations seem to center on Brigitte Kruse, a memorabilia auctioneer whom Presley calls a “con artist”. Kruse and the other individuals allegedly befriended Presley before isolating her from her long-time advisors. Presley was already experiencing financial distress, a concern that Kruse claimed to be able to help rectify. Presley alleges she was “fraudulently induce[d]” into giving the defendants power of attorney over her trusts and bank accounts.

The group also convinced Presley to sign deals with what Presley now says are “sham” companies, such as Priscilla Presley Partners. These deals gave the defendants the power to profit from Presley’s name, image, and likeness in addition to controlling “virtually all of her income from any professional ventures.” Presley’s attorney, Martin Singer, alleges that “the defendants’ plan involved usurping control over [Presley’s] ability to control her finances going forward and forcing her into a form of indentured servitude, where the plaintiff was forced to work so that [defendants] could receive the lion’s share of any revenue she was able to earn in the future.”

Presley’s suit is not the only action pending on the matter. Eight months prior, Priscilla Presley Partners filed a suit against Presley in Florida, claiming that Presley had breached her agreement with the group. The group asserts that they helped Presley “dig herself out of impending financial ruin” by acting on her behalf on deals, including the 2023 Priscilla biopic. Presley’s attorney argues in the Los Angeles filing that this move was merely a coverup and an attempt to play the victim after the defendants became aware that their scheme had been uncovered.

So, what exactly is elder abuse and how does it come into play in this kind of dealing? There are many different forms that elder abuse can take. In Presley’s matter, the team is likely alleging a form of financial exploitation, in which an older adult’s assets are used without consent, under pretenses, or through intimidation or manipulation. The case represents a stark reminder that elder abuse can impact individuals of all levels of physical capacity, mental capacity, and celebrity. To learn more about elder abuse, visit the resources available through the National Institute on Aging.
