
AI Compliance

February 6, 2024

As corporations continue to implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their operations, state and local jurisdictions have passed legislation to regulate the use of such technology. This legislation includes the regulation of Automated Employment Decision Tools, Facial Recognition Technology, and Algorithms. States, such as New York, impose strict requirements on employers to assist with the hiring…

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The Legalities of AI

February 6, 2024

2024 will be an exciting year regarding the future legality of artificial intelligence. Three separate lawsuits were started against OpenAI, which created and operated ChatGPT. The plaintiffs include The New York Times, a group of well-known novelists that include John Grisham, Jodi Picoult, and George R.R. Martin, and another group of bestselling nonfiction writers that…

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Modernisiertes Staatsbürgerschaftsgesetz in Deutschland

February 6, 2024

Der deutsche Bundestag hat am 19. Januar 2024 den Entwurf für ein Gesetz zur Modernisierung des Staatsangehörigkeitsrechts (StARModG) beschlossen. Mit der Novelle wird unter anderem der Grundsatz der Vermeidung von Mehrstaatigkeit aufgegeben. Infolgedessen entfällt der Verlust der deutschen Staatsangehörigkeit bei Erwerb einer ausländischen Staatsangehörigkeit und korrespondierend dazu das Instrument der Beibehaltungsgenehmigung (§ 25 StAG). Der…

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Embracing Change: BridgehouseLaw’s Decision to Shift to an Unlimited Paid Time Off (UPTO) Policy

February 6, 2024

In response to the evolving landscape of work-life balance and the post-Covid dynamics, BridgehouseLaw’s Charlotte, North Carolina office has undergone a substantial policy transformation, notably transitioning from a traditional Tiered Vacation system to a more progressive Unlimited Paid Time Off (UPTO) policy. Recognizing the Need for Change: Extensive research, analysis of progressive industry practices, countless…

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The NFL Touchdown in Germany: A Growing Love for American Football

January 26, 2024

American football has always been more than just a sport – it’s a cultural phenomenon, an event that brings people together, and a spectacle that captivates millions. The National Football League (NFL) is at the heart of this passion. This organization has taken its game beyond American borders, spreading the thrill of American football across…

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AI owning Art?

January 26, 2024

Artificial Intelligence has been taking over the world. This new type of technology has created a deep shock in the general culture of the entire world. One of the important points that has been debated is the ownership of this type of work. Who created the work? As I mentioned in my previous article, copyright…

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“Mickey Mouse” turns horror villain after becoming Public Domain: an update on everyone’s favorite mouse

January 26, 2024

New films, games, and technologies are always announced with the new year. As I mentioned in my last Newsletter Article, “Mickey Mouse’ Turns Public Domain”, Mickey Mouse (in his original Steamboat Willie era) has officially entered the public domain, and people can profit from this original version. On January 1st, a teaser trailer for a…

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TikTok’s Battle Against Usage Bans

January 26, 2024

TikTok, a widespread social media app owned by a Chinese technology company called ByteDance, recently won a point in its ongoing battle against bans on its usage. Certain countries around the world have actively banned the app’s usage; some have banned its use on devices provided by governmental agencies, and others, like the United States,…

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Informationen zur Teilnahme an der Wiederholung der Bundestagswahl in Berliner Wahlbezirken aus dem Ausland – Auswärtiges Amt

December 22, 2023

Die Wiederholung der Wahl zum 20. Deutschen Bundestag für 455 der 2.256 Wahlbezirke in Berlin findet entsprechend der Anordnung des Berliner Landeswahlleiters am 11. Februar 2024, statt. Deutsche im Sinne des Artikels 116 Abs. 1 des Grundgesetzes können unter bestimmten Bedingungen auch aus dem Ausland an in Deutschland abgehaltenen Wahlen teilnehmen, sofern sie das achtzehnte…

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Bekanntmachung für Deutsche zur Wiederholung der Wahl zum Deutschen Bundestag in 455 Berliner Wahlbezirken – Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

December 22, 2023

Am 11. Februar 2024 findet die Wiederholung der Wahl zum Deutschen Bundestag vom 26. September 2021 in Berlin in 455 von insgesamt 2.256 Wahlbezirken statt. Die Wiederholungswahl findet somit nicht im gesamten Berliner Stadtgebiet statt. Auf der Seite der Landeswahlleitung Berlin ( wird eine Adressabfrage abrufbar sein, in der ermittelt werden kann, ob die eingegebene…

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