
E-2 visa and unemployment benefits eligibility

April 7, 2020

Many of our clients have employees with E-visa working here in the US. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, some of these employees may have been laid off. Their question may be: “Can I apply for unemployment benefits? If I apply for unemployment benefits, will the government determine that I am likely to become a public…

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Unemployment Claims during the COVID-19 Pandemic

March 31, 2020

Under the new CARES Act signed into law on Friday, March 28, 2020 unemployment benefits were expanded to provide assistance for more workers than are usually eligible for unemployment benefits (this includes self-employed people and part-time workers).  In addition to state benefits, the Act also provides workers an extra $600 per week in unemployment benefits.…

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Status of Several NC Bills

May 21, 2013

Some interesting and controversial bills are being passed around House and Senate this month. Here is a short overview: Anti-LEED Bill (House Bill 628) On May 13, 2013, the NC House of Representatives passed the third reading of the Anti-LEED Bill. House Bill 628 with the title Promote/Protect Lumber is intended to protect North Carolina timber…

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Bias Against the Unemployed?

March 1, 2011

WASHINGTON—The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has begun a probe of whether employers and recruitment firms are unlawfully barring the unemployed from applying for certain jobs, the agency’s chairman said. EEOC Chairman Jacqueline Berrien said at a hearing on February 16, 2011 that the agency began hearing anecdotal reports of the practice last summer, including from…

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